My 6 input mixing hot end – part 9

1. Introduction I now have some new heat breaks which I have fitted. This post will be an update on the tests that I have done and the latest problems that I have encountered. Apologies in advance if this is another seemingly verbose post but I find it useful to have everything written up so […]

My 6 input mixing hot end – part 4

1. Introduction Further to my last post (part 3), I have designed some test parts to highlight the “stripey toothpaste” effect and printed these using the Diamond hot end. I’ve also managed to re-configure the extruders on my machine, fit the new hot end, load and flush through some filament and attempt my first print. […]

Putting all the recent upgrades together.

Around about this time last year, I was making a start on upgrading my printer to use a five colour Diamond hot end, in preparation for the TCT show. The upgrade itself went fine but I had problems printing five coloured objects. Specifically, the scaled up version of Aria by Loubie that I’ve talked about […]

Upgrading my Extruders from 5 E3D Titans to 5 Bondtech BMGs

Following my extreme retraction torture tests, I decided to upgrade my printer from using E3D Titan extruders to BondTech BMGs (five of them). This was quite a major job for many reasons and because………..well, on the basis that a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth more, so in the […]