UPS battery installation

This is just a quick update to the last post I made about fitting a DC UPS. I’ve now got a better arrangement for the batteries. I printed a sort of tray with one tall end onto which I have mounted connectors, a fuse and also a meter so that I can see at glance what state the batteries are in. It isn’t designed to contain any acid spills (because plastic wouldn’t be much good for that). The batteries are sealed so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Here is a top view

And here is the front view

Most of the internal wiring is just 1.5mm cable (good for 13Amps or so) and the fuse is 10Amp which is more than adequate. To connect to the printer I used a couple of “banana” sockets which were rated to 20 or 30 Amps.

Here is a side view

To connect to the printer, I used 4mm diameter cable, not because of the current, but just to minimise the resistance and maximise the run time on batteries. That may be over-kill but does no harm.

I’ll print a cover for the front section, just to prevent any short circuits if anything metallic falls into it.


2 thoughts on “UPS battery installation

  1. Hi Ian,
    Thank you again for sharing.
    Big moves happening with my (modest by comparison)equipment over Christmas and into the New Year and incorporation of a UPS will be the first job as everything is relocating! Your design is efficient and well planned as always, my work (AC)UPS machines are over complicated for our printer purposes and your design is basically similar to my ‘cigarette packet’ scribble/sketches! All of my supplies are on din rail anyway(scrap!) so I like those MW devices very much, they are a third of the cost of the Siemens ones we have used in the past and provide me with a nice way forward, so cheers!
    Getting very close to the build of my new Diamond 3head printer, frame material purchase imminent upon return from site and I’m watching your Duet 3 work with great interest…


    1. Thanks,
      It’s always nice to get a bit of feedback. Glad you found some of the information useful. Some sort of UPS device has been on my mind for quite a while and now that it’s done, it’s a really nice feeling that I’ll never again have to worry about a power outage part way through a long print.


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